But please do not be alarmed if you're not able to view any of our ads online..
I have just checked the account together with him and realised that we have finished our budget for today and have also exceeded our budget by $2.
If you've logged onto the campaign account, you should have seen that we have spend a total of $15.94 within an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of the clicks come from the Movie Premium adgroup, clicks are generated by the keyword MOVIE!
Hence, I have paused the keyword for today.
By the way, because we have exceeded our daily budget, our ad will not be shown for the remaining hours in the day. This is a google policy and there's nothing that we can do about it, but to wait for the next day to come..
I have checked on the minimum bids, and it seems that our competitors are currently doing a bid of 0.05 per keyboard.
Those who are interested to check, click on one of the adgroups, e.g. Movie Premiums, and a list of the keywords that we have used are shown in your screen.
Place your cursor over the magnifying glass beside each keyword, and wait for the google popup to load.
It will inform you if your ads are showing, the quality score, and minimum bid for this keyword.
I think that since we have information that the bids are rather low right now, we should change the bids to enable us to have more clicks!
As to whether or not we should re-activate the keyword "Movie", I'll leave it to you guys to decide, as I find that it's pretty generic and is sucking up our money?? :P We have like close to 100 clicks on that within 1 hour!!! :o
Anyway, this has been our first day only.. I'm glad that we've managed to recheck the account and realised this situation immediately.
Let's learn from it and start doing better for our campaign tomorrow! :)
$184 left to spend!!!!
P/S: Zhishen has informed me that he editted the global settings, so right now we're targetting to the whole world instead of Singapore. Are we supposed to do this Bhajinder?? Coz I thought previously we ignored this part, but I forgot why we ignored it. lol. :P
PP/S: I don't know why, but from the Google adwords account, it seems that the keyword Chirashi is currently inactive? I definitely did not touch this keyword.. So, just wondering what happened. Is it supposed to be inactive?
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